KPC Test Kits and Other Services
Klebsiella Pneumoniae, or KPC, is a bacterium which spreads rapidly throughout hospitals. This bacterium has the beta-lactamase enzyme which makes it antibiotic resistant. One of the easiest methods for controlling the bacterium is through PCR testing.
Many laboratories have two test kits available for KPC depending on what type of thermocycler is being used. One is for standard PCR (KI 5050C2) and the other is for real time PCR (KI 5050).
Real time PCR is unique in that it is able to gather data as the PCR reaction is occurring instead of at the end. It is able to detect specific products as they accumulate by looking for specific dyes.
With both KPC kits, testing is extremely simple. The only two steps are to purify the DNA from the colony swab and to add the DNA to the PCR pre-mix. Results from the PCR come back in in only 3-4 hours. Documentation is included, so there is a detailed protocol which has easy-to-follow replicable results.
The premix tube includes the enzyme, buffer, and primers. This will save a lot of preparation time and cut down on human errors. Additionally, this means fewer reagents are required. There is also a control tube included to ensure that there is no contamination.
After PCR, it's possible to run a gel of the sample (electrophoresis) to compare the sample with a ladder. Gels with the ladder are very easy to read. It is very obvious if the culture is KPC positive or not, and the protocols provide an example to compare your results with.
These KPC gene detection kits are a preferred option for an easy to use solution which uses PCR. There are a wide variety of other diagnostic kits available in labs. This can allow you to learn more about the bacteria lurking in your facility.